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Post A of the Michigan Division

About 60 people attended Michigan Post A’s Fall Membership Event and Silent Auction at the Sixth Street Hall in Grand Rapids.  Over 45 items were donated and included in the auction, raising just over $1,000 for the TPA Hearing Trust. Among the many items up for bid were splash park passes, jewelry, books, and wine and appetizer baskets. Attendees also enjoyed dinner and played bingo for turkeys. Several new members also joined TPA at the event.

About Travelers Protective Association of America
For more information about TPA, including benefits to members and those we serve, visit our website at www.tpahq.org or contact TPA Headquarters at (636) 724-2227.

About the TPA Hearing Trust
Established by TPA in 1975 as an independent 501(c)(3) organization to assist people experiencing total or partial hearing loss, the TPA Hearing Trust accepts tax deductible donations from individuals, businesses, foundations and all other legal entities. To learn more, donate or to apply for aid, please visit www.tpahq.org/tpa-hearing-trust.