Three members of Virginia Post I, in collaboration with AMVETS, the American Legion, VFW, and AUSA, distributed over 130 goody…
Post A members brought even more items for the school to their October Meeting, and Revonda promptly delivered them. She…
Approximately 80 members of Posts A and I of the Michigan Division enjoyed their annual summer picnic. In addition to…
In another example of TPA at work, members of Ionia, Michigan Post I cleaned up their adopted highway as summer…
At its September meeting, North Carolina Post A heard about Haynes-Inman Education Center from post member Lea Shore. A special…
Illinois Post E honored two long-time members at their annual potluck meeting in September. Richard Snowden (60 years) and David…
Carl Espy, Halifax Town Manager, was the speaker at the September meeting of South Boston, VA Post D. He discussed…
North Carolina Post A Delivers School Supplies and Gains New TPA Members at Vandalia Elementary Revonda Brady (right) and Connie…
Missouri Post C presented backpacks with school supplies at two Springfield schools on the first day of classes. Connie O’Neil…
Virginia Post D in South Boston welcomed Ken Mathis (General Manager, Hitachi Energy) to their monthly meeting. Mathis spoke about…