Iowa Division
John Hunolt was recently honored by the North Central Missouri College Foundation by being announced as one of three people inducted into their Distinguished Alumni Class for 2021. John is a native of Trenton and graduated from Trenton Junior College, now named North Central Missouri College. Additionally, in 2021, he was awarded the Iowa Governor’s award for volunteering. Through the years he has devoted numerous hours volunteering and serving in his community. John is currently the president of Post O of the Iowa Division. Congratulations John!
About the TPA Hearing Trust
Established by TPA in 1975, an independent 501(c)(3) organization, the Hearing Trust accepts tax deductible donations from TPA members, posts, divisions, nonmembers, businesses, foundations, and all other legal entities. To learn more, make a contribution to the Hearing Trust or to apply for aid, please visit
About Travelers Protective Association of America
To learn more contact TPA Headquarters at (636) 724-2227.
Pictured is John Hunolt.